Why Jackson Hole needs to be worried

The worldwide economic and financial collapse could be coming soon to a town near you. In case you haven’t noticed the entire world is enveloped in an unprecedented deflationary collapse of equities, real estate and commodities. It is not just the magnitude and breadth of the collapse that is stunning, it is the rapidity ofContinue reading “Why Jackson Hole needs to be worried”

IEA World Energy Outlook

The International Energy Agency headquartered in Paris is an organization that looks at all aspects of world energy use. On November 12th they will release their widely anticipated World Energy Outlook report. It seems that the Financial Times in London yesterday leaked a portion of that report and the numbers if true are stunning.   Continue reading “IEA World Energy Outlook”

What goes on in Iceland, does not stay in Iceland

I felt I was remiss not to share the beautiful currency of Iceland which at the moment is frozen for the purposes of international exchange.Today’s news from Iceland is the big jump in the national interest rate from their central bank from 12% to 18%. It was just 2 weeks ago that the rate wasContinue reading “What goes on in Iceland, does not stay in Iceland”

Speed and Complexity

I continue to study previous panics and depressions and the search for pictures to illustrate this blog has been an education. There is a paucity of images from depressions previous to the 1930’s, which limits my choices. It is the sheer pace of economic events that astound, not so much the actual events themselves. IContinue reading “Speed and Complexity”

How did this happen?

It should be obvious by now that I am a fan of the haunting photographs of Dorthea Lange who chronicled the people of the Great Depression. I have spent the past week researching the causes of the previous depressions and panics looking for patterns that might offer clues and perhaps help in dealing with theContinue reading “How did this happen?”

World Food Day

Today is UN World Food Day and my thoughts have drifted to concern about food availability and production amidst the world financial nightmare swirling around us. Yesterday I happened to be doing some necessary but distasteful deferred maintenance on my septic system and yet another metaphor came to mind of the offal and scat beingContinue reading “World Food Day”

Another day, another krona

The market opened today finally in Reykjavik and it was a road runner moment….down 77%. In the Hekla auto showroom, the nation’s largest, not a car to be seen. The Central Bank lowered interest rates, it’s so called policy rate from 15.5 to 12%. That should give a boost to the currency which still isn’tContinue reading “Another day, another krona”

Peak Oil and M King Hubbert

The concept of Peak Oil is one of the core subjects of this blog and it is high time to introduce the Father of Peak oil to my reader(s) along with a simplified curve of domestic oil production. World oil production curves are widely available from the internet although they are often laden with dataContinue reading “Peak Oil and M King Hubbert”

The calm before the storm

I am a volunteer weather observer for the cocorahs network. We picked up 6.5″ here last night and the highest total amount our local Wyoming stations seems to be 15″ in Thermopolis and Absarokee. Billings MT had 22″. Still snowing with a winter storm warning still in effect. I thought the image of a guillotineContinue reading “The calm before the storm”